Hi there! 👋
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Programming's my art Empty files are my canvas And code is my brush |
My name is Jelle (IPA: /ˈjɛ.lə/), and I like creating stuff! I'm currently studying Creative Media and Game Technologies at Saxion University of Applied Sciences to become a better game developer.
I love learning fun things and having fun learning things!
Click here to read about my full journey as a developer
My first start with programming was GameMaker 8.1 Lite when I was eight. I started off only using the visual programming, and I never really got into GML. Sadly, most of the games I made back then have been lost to time.
A year or two later I discovered Minecraft with its redstone, and I was sold. When command blocks were added a little later, I was even more hooked. I spent years playing with it, learning and getting better. I also loved the big tech modpacks, though my computer back then couldn't really run them well.
When I was around eleven, my primary school installed Scratch on their computers. Me being the curious type and seeing that a new icon had appeared on the desktop, I clicked it and almost immediately recognized it as being a similar thing to GameMaker. I quickly became quite good at it, though sadly most of those projects have also been lost.
Around thirteen, I tried my hand at making Android Apps with Android Studio, which was my first usage of a "real" IDE. It was difficult to suddenly use such a huge, complicated program, but ultimately, I did succeed in making an app that my parents still use to this day. I enjoyed learning Java during the process of making these apps, though I probably should have learned Java first, and only then started making apps with it.
Around 2017, I played a lot of the game Scrap Mechanic, and when they released the mod tool, I was one of the first people to release a mod onto the Steam Workshop. My most popular mod has been downloaded almost 50 000 times!
For the second half of secondary school, I had to buy a TI 84 CE-T calculator and I almost immediately started making useful programs and fun games in TI-Basic.
Then I discovered The Coding Train on YouTube and I started using Processing a lot. So for the next four or five years I used that for basically all of my programming. I don't use it that much anymore these days, but I still really like it.
I have also made a few Minecraft plugins in Java, scripts in Python, websites with raw HTML and CSS, and C++ and C programs, among many other things. I like to experiment with a lot of things and learn a lot.
During my first year at Saxion I have learnt C# with their GXP Engine, which I'm working on overhauling with a couple of fellow students. I also learnt Unity, which I have since made a couple game (prototypes) with.
In the holiday after that first year, I worked a lot on a project that I felt needed to exist: GitDroid. It's an Android app, made with Flutter, that allows you to easily install and update other Android apps from GitHub. It's still in development, but it's already quite usable.
During my second year at Saxion, I officially learnt C++ (I'd been tinkering with it off and on for a couple of years prior) and I'm also learning Unreal Engine. Learning Rust also seems like fun!
I've also been continuing my use of Flutter, and I've been making some other things with it as well, such as CMGTwitch. During my usage of Flutter, I've naturally been using Dart, which I've grown to like quite a lot.
During my third year at Saxion, I had my first internship at a company that develops XR trainings for other businesses. It was a lot of fun to work there, with such friendly and knowledgeable colleagues. I learnt a lot there.
In my fourth and last year at Saxion, I was a part of a ten-person group,
where we worked on an Unreal Engine VR Experience together.
My role in the project was of Infrastructure Engineer, and as part of that, I set up Perforce Helix Core as Version Control System for us all to use.
In addition to that, I set up automated builds with Jenkins, to keep track of build-breaking bugs that might slip in.
In that same time, I also worked as a Teacher's Assistant for Saxion, helping with the C++ and 3D Rendering courses.
Not only do I really like making games, I also really enjoy making tools for people to make their lives easier in some way. Some examples of things I made for other people are WesleyChess, LifeWrench, Hydr8, and Simple Block Commands. Hardly a week goes by where I don't automate some part of my own or someone else's life.
My logo was made by myself with Blender. Check out my other art on my ArtStation
Find me on other platforms 🔗
Experiences 🔗
🎮 Games 🔗
Space Combat 3DX 🔗
A combat flight sim game in space made in Unity
Language: C#
DigiSwamp AG 🔗
An Anti-Gravity Racing game set in a Digital Swamp
Language: C#
Sea Spelunking 🔗
Multiplayer couch party game with innovative controls where you play as pirates looking for treasure!
Language: C#
Geodesic 🔗
2D top-down space traversal game. Entry for the XP Study Association's 2025 GameJam
Language: Processing
CMGT Intake 🔗
The game I have made for the intake for the study Creative Media and Game Technologies at Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Language: Processing
Afterparty 🔗
Afterparty is a hectic and fast-paced game in which you must clean up the house after a party, before your parents arrive home in five minutes.
Language: Processing
Chthonic Metal 🔗
A very basic turn-based fighting game in SFML, made for my school's C++ course
Language: C++
Phurey 🔗
2D Slasher & Bullet Hell Game made for the subject Game Design
Language: JavaScript
Doom Game 🔗
Doom-ish clone made in the Saxion GXP Engine
Language: C#
Flappy Pong 🔗
Pong, but with flappy bird controls for extra agony
Language: C++
LEADLEG 2069 🔗
The project for the Global Game Jam 2024 @ Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Language: C#
Catoms 🔗
Connect multiple atoms together to create the required molecule! [CMGT Y1Q4 Game: Catoms.]
Language: C#
She Can VR 🔗
Currently most people working in STEM fields are men, but She Can VR exists to show you that women can have an equally big impact on the world of science!
Language: C#
Tetsaw 🔗
Small blocky Jigsaw game in Processing :)
Language: Processing
💡 Tech Demos 🔗
Unreal Engine 5 GitHub Actions VR Template 🔗
A repository that shows a working GitHub Actions workflow for the default UE5 VR Game Template
Language: n/a
Flutter User Fonts Demo 🔗
A Flutter tech demo that allows users to upload any font they wish to use for the whole app to use
Language: Dart
Vulkan Psychedelic Cloths 🔗
A recreation of my uni's OpenGL assignment in Vulkan
Language: C++
🖥️ Desktop Software Tools 🔗
BlueMap GUI 🔗
A GUI wrapper around the BlueMap CLI, mainly to make using BlueMap easier to use on single player worlds.
Language: Dart
📱 Apps 🔗
GitDroid 🔗
A third party Android app manager for apps uploaded to GitHub releases
Language: Dart
Wesley Chess 🔗
Simple Android chess app without any rules or restrictions. Useful for trying different rulesets
Language: Processing
TwitDirect 🔗
Android app to redirect embed-fixer links to their respective official apps, instead of going through the browser
Language: Java
Vanir (UIMS) 🔗
A Flutter app for Android and iOS to scan products to add to UIMS (Unrealitix Inventory management System)
Language: Dart
Life Wrench 🔗
Magic: The Gathering helper app for Android
Language: Processing
🌐 Websites 🔗
TechnicJelle 🔗
My GitHub profile's About Me page, and at the same time also my personal website
Language: Python
CMGTwitch 🔗
An app concept that lets you easily (re)watch Saxion CMGT lectures
Language: Dart
BlueMap Marker generator 🔗
A webapp that helps generate BlueMap markers
Language: Dart
🔌 Server Software 🔗
Post To Websocket Broadcaster (Dart) 🔗
A server application that listens for HTTP POST requests and broadcasts the body of the request to all connected websockets.
Language: Dart
📝 Scripts 🔗
My AutoHotKey Scripts 🔗
This is a collection of all of my AHK Scripts
Language: AutoHotkey
Discord Reactor 🔗
Turns a sentence into Discord reaction messages!
Language: Python
🤖 Discord Bots 🔗
Hydr8 🔗
A simple Discord bot that reminds you to drink water
Language: Python
🎨 Skins 🔗
Wikipedia Fix 🔗
A userstyle that allows you to customise the new Wikipedia look to be a bit more like the old one
Language: Stylus
🌌 Simulations 🔗
Solar System 🔗
A solar system simulation environment where you can play around with planets, suns, gravity and orbits
Language: Processing
Fireworks Display in PGE 🔗
A simple, yet pretty fireworks show, coded in C++ with the OLC Pixel Game Engine
Language: C++
📚 Libraries 🔗
Update Checker Java 🔗
A simple Java library that checks for updates from a GitHub repo's releases
Language: Java
⛏ Minecraft Plugins 🔗
MCUtils 🔗
A small library with a collection of useful functions for Minecraft paper plugins
Language: Java
Simple Block Commands 🔗
A Minecraft Paper plugin that allows server owners to assign commands that get run when a block is clicked
Language: Java
Discord Inviter 🔗
A Minecraft Paper plugin that invites players to your Discord server if they haven't done so yet
Language: Java
🌐 BlueMap Addons 🔗
BMUtils 🔗
A small library with a collection of useful functions for BlueMap addons
Language: Java
BlueMap Offline Player Markers 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds markers where players have logged off
Language: Java
BlueMap Sign Extractor 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds markers for all signs
Language: Java
BlueMap Chat Markers 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds chat messages to the map
Language: Java
BlueMap Filtered Entities 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that allows you to track entities on your map, with lots of filtering options
Language: Java
BlueMap MC Map Sync 🔗
Allow your players to discover your BlueMap more immersively, by syncing with in-game maps!
Language: Java
BlueMap Floodgate 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds GeyserMC/floodgate support
Language: Java
BlueMap Spawn Marker 🔗
BlueMap Native addon that adds a customisable marker at the world spawn
Language: Java
BlueMap Native Addon Template 🔗
A template project you can use as a base for your own BlueMap Native Addon
Language: Java
BlueMap Structures 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds markers for all structures
Language: Java
BlueMap Death Markers 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds markers where players have died
Language: Java
BlueMap BlueMap Area Control 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon for greater control over which areas get rendered
Language: Java
BlueMap Player Control 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon that adds player hiding functionality to BlueMap
Language: Java
BlueMap New Map 🔗
Tiny Paper plugin addon for BlueMap to more easily create new maps
Language: Java
BlueMap Web Addons 🔗
A repository of useful scripts and styles for the BlueMap Web App. Accepting PRs with addons from others
Language: JavaScript
BlueMap Custom Skin Provider 🔗
Minecraft Paper plugin and BlueMap addon for using a custom skin server with BlueMap
Language: Java