olcPixelGameEngine v2.28
The official distribution of olcPixelGameEngine, a tool used in javidx9's YouTube videos and projects
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olc::TileTransformedView Class Reference

#include <olcPGEX_TransformedView.h>

Inheritance diagram for olc::TileTransformedView:
olc::TransformedView olc::PGEX

Public Member Functions

 TileTransformedView ()=default
 TileTransformedView (const olc::vi2d &vViewArea, const olc::vi2d &vTileSize)
olc::vi2d GetTopLeftTile () const
olc::vi2d GetBottomRightTile () const
olc::vi2d GetVisibleTiles () const
olc::vi2d GetTileUnderScreenPos (const olc::vi2d &vPos) const
const olc::vi2d GetTileOffset () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from olc::TransformedView
 TransformedView ()=default
virtual void Initialise (const olc::vi2d &vViewArea, const olc::vf2d &vPixelScale={ 1.0f, 1.0f })
olc::PixelGameEngineGetPGE ()
void SetWorldOffset (const olc::vf2d &vOffset)
void MoveWorldOffset (const olc::vf2d &vDeltaOffset)
void SetWorldScale (const olc::vf2d &vScale)
void SetViewArea (const olc::vi2d &vViewArea)
olc::vf2d GetWorldTL () const
olc::vf2d GetWorldBR () const
olc::vf2d GetWorldVisibleArea () const
void ZoomAtScreenPos (const float fDeltaZoom, const olc::vi2d &vPos)
void SetZoom (const float fZoom, const olc::vf2d &vPos)
void StartPan (const olc::vi2d &vPos)
void UpdatePan (const olc::vi2d &vPos)
void EndPan (const olc::vi2d &vPos)
const olc::vf2dGetWorldOffset () const
const olc::vf2dGetWorldScale () const
virtual olc::vf2d WorldToScreen (const olc::vf2d &vWorldPos) const
virtual olc::vf2d ScreenToWorld (const olc::vf2d &vScreenPos) const
virtual olc::vf2d ScaleToWorld (const olc::vf2d &vScreenSize) const
virtual olc::vf2d ScaleToScreen (const olc::vf2d &vWorldSize) const
virtual bool IsPointVisible (const olc::vf2d &vPos) const
virtual bool IsRectVisible (const olc::vf2d &vPos, const olc::vf2d &vSize) const
virtual void HandlePanAndZoom (const int nMouseButton=2, const float fZoomRate=0.1f, const bool bPan=true, const bool bZoom=true)
void SetScaleExtents (const olc::vf2d &vScaleMin, const olc::vf2d &vScaleMax)
void EnableScaleClamp (const bool bEnable)
virtual bool Draw (float x, float y, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
bool Draw (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE, uint32_t pattern=0xFFFFFFFF)
void DrawLine (const olc::vf2d &pos1, const olc::vf2d &pos2, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE, uint32_t pattern=0xFFFFFFFF)
void DrawCircle (float x, float y, float radius, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE, uint8_t mask=0xFF)
void DrawCircle (const olc::vf2d &pos, float radius, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE, uint8_t mask=0xFF)
void FillCircle (float x, float y, float radius, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void FillCircle (const olc::vf2d &pos, float radius, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawRect (float x, float y, float w, float h, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawRect (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void FillRect (float x, float y, float w, float h, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void FillRect (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawTriangle (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawTriangle (const olc::vf2d &pos1, const olc::vf2d &pos2, const olc::vf2d &pos3, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void FillTriangle (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void FillTriangle (const olc::vf2d &pos1, const olc::vf2d &pos2, const olc::vf2d &pos3, olc::Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawSprite (float x, float y, olc::Sprite *sprite, float scalex=1, float scaley=1, uint8_t flip=olc::Sprite::NONE)
void DrawSprite (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Sprite *sprite, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, uint8_t flip=olc::Sprite::NONE)
void DrawPartialSprite (float x, float y, Sprite *sprite, int32_t ox, int32_t oy, int32_t w, int32_t h, float scalex=1, float scaley=1, uint8_t flip=olc::Sprite::NONE)
void DrawPartialSprite (const olc::vf2d &pos, Sprite *sprite, const olc::vi2d &sourcepos, const olc::vi2d &size, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, uint8_t flip=olc::Sprite::NONE)
void DrawString (float x, float y, const std::string &sText, Pixel col, const olc::vf2d &scale)
void DrawString (const olc::vf2d &pos, const std::string &sText, const Pixel col, const olc::vf2d &scale)
void DrawDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawExplicitDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d *pos, const olc::vf2d *uv, const olc::Pixel *col, uint32_t elements=4)
void DrawWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d *pos, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const std::array< olc::vf2d, 4 > &pos, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d(&pos)[4], const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const olc::vf2d *pos, const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialWarpedDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const std::array< olc::vf2d, 4 > &pos, const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawRotatedDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Decal *decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d &center={ 0.0f, 0.0f }, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPartialRotatedDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, olc::Decal *decal, const float fAngle, const olc::vf2d &center, const olc::vf2d &source_pos, const olc::vf2d &source_size, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f }, const olc::Pixel &tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawStringDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const std::string &sText, const olc::Pixel col=olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f })
void DrawStringPropDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const std::string &sText, const olc::Pixel col=olc::WHITE, const olc::vf2d &scale={ 1.0f, 1.0f })
void FillRectDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, const olc::Pixel col=olc::WHITE)
void DrawRectDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, const olc::Pixel col=olc::WHITE)
void GradientFillRectDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos, const olc::vf2d &size, const olc::Pixel colTL, const olc::Pixel colBL, const olc::Pixel colBR, const olc::Pixel colTR)
void DrawPolygonDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &pos, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &uv, const olc::Pixel tint=olc::WHITE)
void DrawLineDecal (const olc::vf2d &pos1, const olc::vf2d &pos2, Pixel p=olc::WHITE)
void DrawPolygonDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &pos, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &uv, const std::vector< olc::Pixel > &tint)
void DrawPolygonDecal (olc::Decal *decal, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &pos, const std::vector< olc::vf2d > &uv, const std::vector< olc::Pixel > &colours, const olc::Pixel tint)
- Public Member Functions inherited from olc::PGEX
 PGEX (bool bHook=false)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from olc::PGEX
virtual void OnBeforeUserCreate ()
virtual void OnAfterUserCreate ()
virtual bool OnBeforeUserUpdate (float &fElapsedTime)
virtual void OnAfterUserUpdate (float fElapsedTime)
- Protected Attributes inherited from olc::TransformedView
olc::vf2d m_vWorldOffset = { 0.0f, 0.0f }
olc::vf2d m_vWorldScale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }
olc::vf2d m_vRecipPixel = { 1.0f, 1.0f }
olc::vf2d m_vPixelScale = { 1.0f, 1.0f }
bool m_bPanning = false
olc::vf2d m_vStartPan = { 0.0f, 0.0f }
olc::vi2d m_vViewArea
bool m_bZoomClamp = false
olc::vf2d m_vMaxScale = { 0.0f, 0.0f }
olc::vf2d m_vMinScale = { 0.0f, 0.0f }
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from olc::PGEX
static PixelGameEnginepge

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TileTransformedView() [1/2]

olc::TileTransformedView::TileTransformedView ( )

◆ TileTransformedView() [2/2]

olc::TileTransformedView::TileTransformedView ( const olc::vi2d & vViewArea,
const olc::vi2d & vTileSize )

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetBottomRightTile()

olc::vi2d olc::TileTransformedView::GetBottomRightTile ( ) const

◆ GetTileOffset()

const olc::vi2d olc::TileTransformedView::GetTileOffset ( ) const

◆ GetTileUnderScreenPos()

olc::vi2d olc::TileTransformedView::GetTileUnderScreenPos ( const olc::vi2d & vPos) const

◆ GetTopLeftTile()

olc::vi2d olc::TileTransformedView::GetTopLeftTile ( ) const

◆ GetVisibleTiles()

olc::vi2d olc::TileTransformedView::GetVisibleTiles ( ) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: